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Showing posts from December, 2018

Change dot org Petition

In about six weeks (with a lot of help) I've gotten the petition from around 20 signatures to 123.  The goal was initially for 100 but it went up to 200.  I've seen through Twitter that many of the fans are from Latin America, more specifically Brazil.  It could be that re-runs are airing right there at the moment but that can't be the entire reason.  Some things catch on (metaphorical) fire outside of their country's origin.  I wish I had more to say but I just wanted everyone to know that I'm still here.  Here's the link to the petition: Thank you so much.  Let's get The Life and Times of Juniper Lee back!

The Life and Times of Juniper Lee Revival

In 2005, Cartoon Network premiered the series The Life and Times of Juniper Lee.  It was created by Judd Winick, a former cast member on The Real World and a comic book artist/writer.  The show follows the adventures of Juniper Lee: An 11-year-old Chinese descent girl who lives in Orchid Bay City.  Besides the normal problems of school and social life, she is also the Te Xuan Ze, a protector of the human and magical realms.  Most humans are unaware of the magical realm thanks to "The Veil" which separates the two.  Juniper (or June, as her friends call her) must keep the balance.  Fortunately she is not alone.  Her grandma (the previous Te Xuan Ze) provides her guidance along with Monroe, a magical talking dog with a Scottish accent.  She also has her brother Ray Ray who often hinders her work but can also see through the veil and can be of assistance at times.  June has been magically enhanced to be able to fight the various monsters that c...